New at the Institute: Louis Spatscheck

June 18, 2024

Hi my name is Louis Spatscheck and I'm wrtiting my bachelor thesis here at the ICP.
I'm 22 years old. I enoy a good coffee and old literature, also playing some sports like ultimate frisbee and badminton. 
In my thesis, supervised by David and Konsti, I'm investigating in inverse renormalization group theory in the Ising Model by the use of Convolutional Neural Networks. My research focuses on building and optimizing models based on transposed convolutions to upsample small configurations with discrete degrees of freedom. So in the end, we are hopfully abled to sample observables fom big configurations while avoiding huge simulations and their computational costs. With this thesis, we want to further investigate into the inverse renormalization group and the capabilities of machine learning in statistical mechanics.


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