Hi all,
for those of you who don't know me yet, my name is Julian and I am in the final year of my master's.
I am 23 years old and enjoy going for a walk, jogging, occasionally cycling, and I also do paragliding (if you do as well reach out to me).
My master's thesis is based on recent discoveries in the field of polymer sequencing with (biological) nanopores that lead to the creation of the "nanodiagBW" clusters4future initiative, a funding initiative by the BMBF. While DNA sequencing using biological nanopores has made immense progress in the last decade to the point of commercially available instruments, the research for sequencing and the detection of proteoforms of proteins remains a challenge. My research focuses on the analysis of the data one can get from measurements with these nanopores, and how these readouts can be used for the discrimination of different peptides translocating through the pore.